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Why Etiquette & Good Manners are Important?
齐乐婧 2021/07/30 Pageviews:1089

The customs or rules governing behavior that is regarded as correct or acceptable in social or official life.


1. Why Manners?

Individuals need to learn proper manners and social skills now more than ever. Competition for acceptance into colleges and good jobs is becoming increasingly tough and those who possess social skills that are well developed and natural, will stand out in the crowd and have a big leg up on their peers. Respecting and valuing others, developing high integrity, and making others feel at ease are the key reasons that society practices good manners.

Etiquette is about kindness, it is about being friendly, it is about being polite, it is about integrity, it is about good manners. Etiquette helps us know how to treat others. Etiquette helps us to know how to behave and conduct ourselves in different environments. It has many kinds, including Business etiquette, children etiquette, dinner etiquette, etc.


2. Business Etiquette & Professional Development Training

Do your professionals possess the polished soft skills and business etiquette knowledge to best represent your company in today’s competitive world? Equip your team with business etiquette skills to present a first-class image of your company to compete successfully in today’s global arena.


Etiquette is not about being perfect or being prim and proper, it’s not about your social class, profession or how rich or well educated you are. Etiquette makes people comfortable and at ease, it shows that we value and respect others.

Etiquette promotes kindness, consideration, and humility.

Etiquette gives us the confidence to deal with different situations in life, it gives us life skills.

Etiquette enhances your individual image; it eliminates discourteous behavior.

Etiquette helps us to be thoughtful about our conduct, it helps us to be aware of the feelings and rights of others.

Etiquette helps us to get along with others, it promotes respect. Etiquette promotes respect for people of other cultures, etiquette is culturally bound.

Having good manners is not just about saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’. It is about how you present yourself, how you behave, how you speak, how you treat others, how you think.


3. Etiquette lessons

Etiquette lessons can offer corporate and business etiquette workshops for professionals and comprehensive programs for children and teens. Our etiquette training will provide you, your family member, or your employees the social skills needed for both personal and professional success in life. Our classes are entertaining, hands-on, interactive, and educational and are focused on 21st-century living. It is with pride and honor that we have the opportunity to educate individuals with the social skills and proper manners that are expected in everyday life interactions.


4. Today’s standards

Many things have changed since the 1800s, but first impressions and politeness are still deal breakers in many situations, and a good first impression comes with good etiquette.

But what exactly are today’s standards? What makes a lady ladylike? Is that even an appropriate term now, particularly with the rise of feminism? Is it sexist to expect women to dress in a certain way and to possess specific knowledge or accomplishments? Or have we simply lowered our standards?


Well, it really depends, doesn’t it? Today’s society is much more culturally diverse than the 1800s and the gap between different classes, the poor and the wealthy also appears to be widening. Technology enables a large platform for the minority, and all of these things combined means that social etiquette and rules vary much more within a city or country than it did previously.

Because of this, there are many different viewpoints on certain aspects of etiquette, and in particular, our expectations of women. The rise of feminism has challenged many basic rules of etiquette, particularly in terms of interactions between men and women. But we also need to remember that not all women are feminists, and in many groups within society, good old-fashioned chivalry is still highly appreciated and also expected.


So whilst many of these questions could well be the titles of some very interesting debates, the best approach to take, to successfully socially navigate in today’s society, is to be prepared and educated about etiquette rules and different viewpoints.

We need to train and educate our young ladies, teenagers, and adults to handle any situation that they find themselves in.


5. A baseline of social expectations and etiquette rule

We take the approach that there is still most definitely a baseline of social expectations and etiquette rules, that apply universally. Things like table manners, holding doors open, knowing when to speak, when to listen, how to introduce yourself, and so on.

There is also a set of etiquette rules that should be followed depending on the type of company that you are in.

For example, you may, as part of an interview or job role, be invited to a formal dinner party. In which case, there will be certain expectations on how you present yourself and interact with the host and other guests. You will be expected to engage in conversations with people with whom you may or may not share the same opinions, but nonetheless, you must be seen as polite and courteous.

At times like this, it is always better to be prepared and have a good understanding of the etiquette rules that you are expected to follow.


So, although you will be learning ‘rules’ and ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ with us, all of our content is delivered in a fun and practical way. We will show you how to blend in, in different social situations, whilst maintaining your sense of self and identity. Allowing your personality to shine through, whilst being socially accepted into any situation.

Being socially aware is important and knowing how to respond in different situations is crucial for your success.


Key Words

Good Manners, Etiquette



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