


Personal stylist,Fashion leader


Jeann always says, she never imagined herself one day to be wearing statement necklaces, strutting down the malls with bright colored stilettos, coaching people how to dress for themselves.
Her first job upon graduation was in a laboratory environment. Everyday was just lab coat and safety boots, as you can imagine, she was never the girl who was all that stylish. She remembered that her wardrobe was filled with plain solid pieces in black, white and blue, safe colours which she considered to allow her to mix and match easily.

However, the deeper truth was, she did not know how to dress for herself and shop for clothes that makes she look good. This did not make she feel confident about herself and in some instances, she believed she was not beautiful. This affected how she make new friends and connect with people.

It wasn’t until one day she discovered this thing called personal styling. It was the turning point of her life. Faith showed her to believe in something bigger than herself. She went on a journey to discover about who she is and who she can be. She learnt to dress in a way that represents the insiders and discovered how to work different styles and colours she loves in her outfit.

"Leopard prints are not my style, while timeless pieces became my icon. I gained a true sense of joy and fulfillment to dress up for the right occasions and was not afraid of how others would think of me.”

Through the personal styling sessions she has, she worked on his body confidence, colours that makes her clients look sharp and radiant, as well as helping him to align their inner-values with the image they would like to be known for.

Her customers praises her: "At the end of her sessions, I felt connected with my wardrobe for the first time, because I did not realize how clothes has to do with my personality and who I am. And also the colours I love, how I can easily work them into different occasions for my social life and work wear. Jeann had made dressing up seem so easy like a formula! Personal styling has really impacted my life and changed my perspective of dressing up.”

Jeann NG
Jeann NG

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